Hackers Wikia

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Make a back door connection in stealth mode with the Portal program. A node with Portal installed becomes red. You may start your brute force attack from there.

The Portal is a Stealth Program which lets you start an attack from the node it was installed on. Once the Brute Force phase starts, the node installed with a Portal is considered captured. Similar to Wraith, the Portal deletes itself once installed.


  • Notes: While the Portal is technically allowed to upgrade at the Evolver levels displayed, the Capacity of B-coins that can be held at those levels may not be sufficient to purchase the upgrade.
    More Info here: Max amount of B-coins at Core Level.
Program Stats
Nível Visibilidade Custo de
1 55 / Segundo B160
2 50 / Segundo B320
3 48 / Segundo B480
4 46 / Segundo B640
5 44 / Segundo B800
6 42 / Segundo B960
7 40 / Segundo B1,120
8 38 / Segundo B1,280
9 36 / Segundo B1,440
10 34 / Segundo B1,600
11 32 / Segundo B1,760
12 30 / Segundo B1,920
13 28 / Segundo B2,080
14 26 / Segundo B2,240
15 24 / Segundo B2,400
16 22 / Segundo B2,560
17 20 / Segundo B2,720
18 18 / Segundo B2,880
19 16 / Segundo B3,040
20 14 / Segundo B3,200
21 12 / Segundo B3,360
Research Stats
Nível Custo de
Tempo de
Nível de Desenvolvedor
1 B16,000 500 24 Horas 6
2 B32,000 575 30 Horas 6
3 B48,000 650 36 Horas 7
4 B60,000 725 42 Horas 7
5 B80,000 800 48 Horas 8
6 B100,000 825 54 Horas 8
7 B120,000 850 60 Horas 9
8 B140,000 875 66 Horas 9
9 B160,000 900 72 Horas 9
10 B180,000 930 80 Horas 10
11 B200,000 960 88 Horas 10
12 B220,000 1,000 96 Horas 10
13 B260,000 1,080 104 Horas 11
14 B300,000 1,160 112 Horas 11
15 B340,000 1,250 120 Horas 11
16 B380,000 1,375 132 Horas 11
17 B420,000 1,500 144 Horas 12
18 B440,000 1,625 156 Horas 12
19 B460,000 1,750 168 Horas 12
20 B480,000 1,875 180 Horas 12
21 B500,000 2,000 192 Horas 12
Total B4,936,000 23,205 2,004 Horas 12


  • Make your way to the node you wish to Portal by using Access programs.
  • Portal can not be installed on Code Gates with an active filter. Use Wraith to disable them first.
  • Nodes with Portal installed do not count as a netConnection, therefore Kraken can not be installed there.
  • Depending on location, it is generally useful to portal on a node with plenty of program slots and high firewall, such as the Core or Black ICE, or a node with many connections to quickly advance.
  • It is generally a high risk to Portal onto a chokepoint or any node with low firewall directly connected to a security node.
  • Since a node with portal installed is considered captured, use this to your advantage by portaling on a security node - it may save you a Wraith or at least precious time.
  • Protect your Portal - the network will attempt to recapture the node instantly. Attack can not be started from the portal once it has been recaptured.
  • Beware of Scanners - since Portal takes a long time to install, Scanners may alert the network before you are able to completely install Portal on a node.
Hackers Wikia - Programa
Programa Nodos Jogabilidade

Battering ram Aríete  Ion cannon Canhão Laser  Blaster Explosão  Kraken Kraken 
Maniac Maníaco  Shock Raio  Shuriken Shuriken  Worms Vermes 


Icewall Muralha-ICE  Protector Protetor 


Access Acesso  Dataleach Sanguessuga de dados  Portal Portal  Wraith Espetro 
