Hackers Wikia

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The Black Market provides additional enhancements to hasten game progress or stylize the network. It runs on credits, along with having reputation requirements for some items.


Credits are a unique currency, fueling many special functions and transactions. They can be bought with real currency (an in-game purchase) in the Black Market in amounts of 500, 1200, 2500, 7000, or 15000. Credits are required to purchase Building Threads, instantly compile programs, instantly finish program development and node construction, and change your IP location. They are also used to buy the following items from the Black Market.


The various 9sec Shields that are available.


Located to the right of the credit bundles are various 9Sec shields, which provide external protection from hacks for set durations. Other players will be unable to connect to a network with an active shield, either by searching the World Map or retracing via the Security Log. However, IPs with an active shield will also be unable to connect to any other networks without first removing the shield. Note that removing a shield cannot be undone, offers no partial refund, and can only be replaced by a subsequent purchase after the cooldown mentioned below.

Activating a 9Sec shield triggers a cooldown during which no additional shields may be activated. These cooldowns begin counting down at the time of activation.

Shield Type Duration Cost Cooldown
Black 1 day 100 Credits 4 days
Silver 2 days 150 Credits 7 days
Gold 7 days 250 Credits 20 days


To the right of the 9Sec shields are various background and node skins. Skins are unlocked at increasing levels of reputation, which follow the rank increases, except for Ergo Dark. Once unlocked, they can be previewed, even if there are insufficient credits to complete the purchase. Losing reputation does not affect unlocked skins.

Name Reputation
Cost Image
Ergo Light 0 C 0
Skin Ergo Light
Ergo Dark 250 C 100
Skin Ergo Dark
Lost Archives 500 C 250
Skin Lost Archives
3D Chip 750 C 750
Skin 3D Chip
White Matrix 1,000 C 1,000
Skin White Matrix
Datacenter 1,250 C 500
Skin Datacenter
Ghost City 1,500 C 1,500
Skin Ghost City
Forsaken Cloud 1,750 C 1,000
Skin Forsaken Cloud
Volcano 2,000 C 2,500
Skin Volcano
Red Matrix 2,000 C 800
Skin Red Matrix
Horizon 2,250 C 1,500
Skin Horizon
Endless 2,500 C 3,000
Skin Endless
Cyberdream 2,750 C 2,000
Skin Cyberdream
Eternity 3,000 C 5,000
Skin Eternity
Hackers Wikia - Gameplay Topics
Cómo jugar Nodos Programas

Mapa del Mundo • Hacks • Misiones • Registros de Red • Simulaciones • Reputación 


Pantalla de Inicio • Construir la Red • Recursos • Mercado Negro • Notas de Actualización 


Guía de Inicio • Estrategias de Ataque • Estrategias de Defensa • Consejos de juego 
