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Fortify your nodes during attacks with the ICE-Wall defensive program. It absorbs enemy attacks until the ICE-Wall is destroyed.

The ICE Wall is a Brute Force Defensive Program which protects captured nodes from attacks by Security Nodes. The ICE Wall will absorb damage equal to its Buffer Size. Once the Buffer Size is depleted, the Ice Wall will be removed from the node.


  • Notes: While the ICE Wall is technically allowed to upgrade at the Evolver levels displayed, the Capacity of B-coins that can be held at those levels may not be sufficient to purchase the upgrade.
    More Info here: Max amount of B-coins at Core Level.
Program Stats
1 400 B8
2 495 B15
3 545 B30
4 600 B60
5 660 B90
6 725 B120
7 800 B150
8 880 B180
9 960 B210
10 1,060 B240
11 1,170 B270
12 1,280 B300
13 1,410 B330
14 1,550 B360
15 1,710 B390
16 1,880 B420
17 2,070 B450
18 2,275 B510
19 2,500 B570
20 2,750 B630
21 3,030 B690
Research Stats
Evolver Level
1 B128 125 15 Minutes 1
2 B1,024 300 4 Hours 2
3 B2,048 375 6 Hours 3
4 B4,096 400 8 Hours 4
5 B8,000 425 10 Hours 4
6 B16,000 450 12 Hours 5
7 B32,000 475 18 Hours 5
8 B60,000 500 24 Hours 6
9 B70,000 575 30 Hours 6
10 B80,000 650 36 Hours 7
11 B90,000 725 42 Hours 7
12 B100,000 800 48 Hours 8
13 B120,000 825 54 Hours 8
14 B140,000 850 60 Hours 9
15 B160,000 875 66 Hours 9
16 B180,000 900 72 Hours 10
17 B200,000 930 80 Hours 10
18 B220,000 960 88 Hours 11
19 B240,000 1,000 96 Hours 11
20 B300,000 1,125 108 Hours 12
21 B360,000 1,250 120 Hours 12
Total B2,383,296 14,515 982 Hours
15 Minutes


  • ICE Walls make it possible to simultaneously attack and defend nodes, enabling you to push through a network.
  • A node that is protected with an ICE Wall will show a revolving white/blue light around it. This light depletes as the ICE Wall absorbs damage, and disappears when the shield is destroyed.
  • ICE Wall can be used on a node that doesn't have a free slot to place it in. Doing so will remove the first installed program.
  • ICE Wall shields are consumed before Protector shields.
  • See Offensive Strategies for additional tips.
Hackers Wikia - Seznam Programy
Programy Uzly Hraní hry

Battering ram Beranidlo  Ion cannon Laserový paprsek  Blaster Fúzní dělo  Kraken Kraken 
Maniac Maniak  Shock Zkrat  Shuriken Hvězdice  Worms Červi 


Icewall LEDová Zeď  Protector Protektor 


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A.I. Programs

Beetle UI Brouk  Hawk UI Jestřáb  Squid UI Oliheň 
