Hackers Wikia

  Български - Интернет Връзка  简体中文 - 网络外接口  正體中文 - 網路連接埠  Čeština - netSpojení  English - netConnection  Français - Connexion Internet  Deutsch - netVerbindung  Bahasa Indonesia - Koneksi Internet  Italiano - Connessione Alla Rete  日本語 - ネットコネクション  Bahasa Malayu - SambunganNet  Polski - Przyłącze Sieci  Português - Conexão de Rede  Română - Port  Русский - Интернет (узел)  Español - Conexión de Red  Türk - Net Bağlantısı  Tiếng Việt - Kết Nối Internet

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Connects your network to the internet. All intrusions start from here.
Higher levels of the Core may need more netConnections.

The netConnection is a Business Node that serves as the gateway to other networks. These are represented in the game by a red rotating world map. Similar to the Core and other Hacking Nodes, it is an essential part of every network.

The maximum number of netConnections you can have on your network is five. When deleting nodes, you will be unable to delete a netConnection unless you have more than the minimum number of connections required for your Core.

The netConnection does not produce any resources or provide any functionalities to the local network besides the Internet connection. Upgraded Cores require a mininum number of netConnections. A netConnection cannot be captured and the programs installed on it are always functional. Any node in the network must be within 9 connections from any netConnection as designated by the Reach statistic.


  • Security Nodes placed next to a netConnection tend to be wasted, as netConnections can not be compromised.
  • Consider attaching netConnections to low value nodes like Compiler, Evolver or Program Library. This way, a hacker will not gain resources immediately and your Turret/Black ICE nodes can attempt to regain control of the compromised nodes.
  • Install only the necessary number of netConnections. More netConnection allows a Hacker to have more points of entry to the network and can prove especially fatal facing a Kraken.
  • netConnection(s) connected directly or closely to the Core make it easy to download, often resulting in an easy win condition for the attacker and a loss of Reputation.
Hackers Wikia - Nodos
Nodos Programa Jogabilidade
Nodos de Negócios

B-coin Mine 19-21Mina de B-Coin  B-coin Mixer 19-21Misturador de B-Coin  Structure ConnectionConexão de Rede 
Core 11-12Núcleo  Database 19-21Base de Dados  Server Farm 19-21Farm de Servidores 

Nodos de Segurança

Black ICE 19-21ICE Preto  Code Gate 19-21Portão de Código  Guardian 21Guardião 
Scanner 19-21Observador  Sentry 19-21Sentinela  Turret 19-21Torre 

Nodes de Hacking

Compiler 04Compilador  Evolver 11-12Desenvolvedor  Program Library 17-21Bibliotéca de Programas 
