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B-coin Mixer 19-21

"Your B-coins are stored and cleaned here before you use them. Mixing B-coins together makes them
(nearly) untraceable. Upgrade your Mixer to increase your B-coin capacity."

B-coin Mixer 01 B-coin Mixer 02-3 B-coin Mixer 04-05 B-coin Mixer 06-07 B-coin Mixer 08-09
Level 1 Level 2-3 Level 4-5 Level 6-7 Level 8-9
B-coin Mixer 10-12 B-coin Mixer 13-15 B-coin Mixer 16-18 B-coin Mixer 19-21
Level 10-12 Level 13-15 Level 16-18 Level 19-21


The B-coin Mixer is a Business Node that stores B-Coins transferred from a B-Coin Mine or stolen from a hack. The total amount of B-Coins that a B-Coin Mine can store is equal to the Capacity statistic.

When the B-coin Mixer has reached its capacity, any excess B-Coins that were transferred from a B-Coin Mine will be returned, while any excess B-Coins from a hack will be discarded.

The maximum level a B-coin Mixer can be upgraded to is 21[1].


Node Connections Program Slots
4 3
Core Level 1 - 6 7 - 9 10 - 12
Max # of
B-Coin Mixer
1 2 3
Level Firewall Capacity Upgrade
Core Level
1 200 B64 $500 1 minute 1 B-coin Mixer 01
2 225 B128 $1,000 30 minutes B-coin Mixer 02-3
3 255 B256 $2,000 1 Hour 2
4 285 B512 $4,000 2 Hours 3 B-coin Mixer 04-05
5 315 B1,024 $8,000 4 Hours 3
6 350 B2,048 $16,000 6 Hours 3 B-coin Mixer 06-07
7 400 B4,096 $30,000 8 Hours 4
8 450 B8,000 $60,000 10 Hours 5 B-coin Mixer 08-09
9 500 B16,000 $125,000 12 Hours 6
10 550 B24,000 $250,000 18 Hours 7 B-coin Mixer 10-12
11 620 B30,000 $400,000 24 Hours 7
12 700 B40,000 $550,000 30 Hours 8
13 780 B50,000 $700,000 36 Hours 8 B-coin Mixer 13-15
14 880 B60,000 $850,000 42 Hours 9
15 1,000 B75,000 $1,000,000 48 Hours 9
16 1,100 B100,000 $1,200,000 54 Hours 10 B-coin Mixer 16-18
17 1,230 B120,000 $1,400,000 60 Hours
18 1,375 B150,000 $1,600,000 66 Hours
19 B-coin Mixer 19-21


Hackers Wikia - Seznam Uzly
Uzly Programy Hraní hry
Obchodní uzly

B-coin Mine 19-21Důl na B-coiny  B-coin Mixer 19-21B-coin Mixér  Structure ConnectionnetSpojení 
Core 11-12Jádro  Database 19-21Databáze  Server Farm 19-21Serverová farma 

Uzly zabezpečení

Black ICE 19-21Černý LED  Code Gate 19-21Šifrovaná brána  Guardian 21Strážce  Scanner 19-21Skener  Sentry 19-21Hlídka  Turret 19-21Kanón 

Uzly pro hackování

Compiler 04Kompiler  Evolver 11-12Evolver  Program Library 17-21Knihovna programů 

Uzly UI

Beetle ImageServing UI Brouk  Hawk ImageServing UI Jestřáb  Squid ImageServing UI Oliheň 
