Hackers Wikia

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Battering ram Ion cannon Blaster Kraken
Battering Ram Beam Cannon Blaster Kraken
Maniac Shuriken Shock Worms
Maniac Shuriken Shocker Worms


Offensive programs are the standard method of hacking a network. Using attacks such as Beam Cannon, Worms and even a mighty Kraken, a player can overwhelm any Security Nodes placed on a network by force. This method of attacking is referred to as using "Brute Force" and differs significantly from the more subtle Stealth attacks.

Attack Priorities[]

Different programs have different methods of attack, with some programs also having additional special abilities. When an offensive program has a choice of which node to attack, most programs select a target using the following criteria.

Priority list:

WARNING: This list is based on current observations. While not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, it has proven to be correct most of the time. (See current discussion in comments.) The in-game priorities differ from what is intended, and will be amended in a future update. [1].

  1. Active Security Nodes - (Sentry, Turret, Black ICE). Other Security Nodes (Guardian, Scanner and Code Gate) are considered regular nodes in this regard.
  2. The Core.
  3. Black Nodes - Nodes with an installed antivirus.
  4. Partially Black Nodes - Nodes where an antivirus is currently being loaded.
  5. White Nodes - Nodes where an antivirus is not present.
  6. Nodes under the Wraith effect.

If connected nodes fall under the same category, the order in which nodes are connected takes precedence, with nodes that are connected first having priority over nodes which are connected last. [2]
- Credit to Wakaka, Love.Wolf and Invictus - thanks!

Programs that fire projectiles such as Blasters and Worms can change targets during an attack if a connected node with a higher priority is reclaimed by the defender. Channeled attacks such as the Beam Cannon will select a target and remain targeting that node until either itself or its target is compromised, regardless of changes to its surroundings.


Hackers Wikia - Seznam Programy
Programy Uzly Hraní hry

Battering ram Beranidlo  Ion cannon Laserový paprsek  Blaster Fúzní dělo  Kraken Kraken 
Maniac Maniak  Shock Zkrat  Shuriken Hvězdice  Worms Červi 


Icewall LEDová Zeď  Protector Protektor 


Access Přístup  Dataleach Datová pijavice  Portal Portál  Wraith Přízrak 

A.I. Programs

Beetle UI Brouk  Hawk UI Jestřáb  Squid UI Oliheň 
